Staff members of the American River Current (from left to right: Luis Gael Jimenez, Ashley Hayes-Stone, Brienna Edwards, John Ennis, Hannah Yates and Nathan Bauer) pose for a photo at the annual Northern California Journalism Association of Community Colleges Conference at De Anza College in Cupertino, California on Oct. 21. Staff writer Nathan Bauer died the day after this photo was taken. The cause of death was a heart attack; Bauer died at home. The long-time American River College student was 33. In one of his last Facebook posts, the journalism major shared his thoughts on this country: “I don’t know, but I do know that I love my country, and I want to see it be a better place. I don’t deny we have flaws, but I believe with hard work, patience and more understanding we can overcome them. Maybe I’m naive, but hopefully in the best way.” (Photo by Luis Gael Jimenez)