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The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

(Photo Illustration by Ashley Hayes_Stone)

Marijuana legal in California but not on campus

Luis Gael and Brienna Edwards February 22, 2018

By Brienna Edwards & Luis Gael Jimenez Larissa Lopez rolls out of bed, eyes bleary and heavy-lidded. She is tired and she is stressed; her mind is running a mile a minute and won't slow down. She...

Cigarette butt left on campus. Due to ARC's ban on smoking, student's question where to smoke. (Photo by Lidiya Grib)

Opinion: Students question where to smoke

James Saling February 21, 2017

American River College’s ban on the use of tobacco products on campus at the beginning of the fall semester has left many cigarette smokers and vape-pen users wondering where it is acceptable to smoke....

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Wednesday raising the legal smoking age in California from 18 to 21. The bill will take effect on June 9. (File Photo)

California raises legal smoking age to 21

Robert Hansen May 7, 2016

By Robert Hansen and Claire Bathory Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill on Wednesday that will  raise the legal smoking age limit in California from 18 to 21. The bill also prohibits the sale or use...

American River College students expressed reactions both positive and negative to the new campus ban on smoking that went into effect on Jan. 1. (Photo By Kyle Elsasser)

ARC students have varying reactions to the new campus-wide smoking ban

Shiavon Chatman and Hannah Darden January 28, 2016

By Hannah Darden and Shiavon Chatman American River College’s new smoking ban is affecting all students and faculty, but even amongst the complaints, those who must now leave campus for their smoke...

Matt Paiva smokes a cigarette in front of Davies Hall beneath a sign alerting students to the change in American River College policy that will ban tobacco use effective Jan. 1. (Photo by John Ferrannini)

Smoking to still be allowed in cars, on sidewalk

John Ferrannini November 9, 2015

Implementing American River College President Thomas Greene’s decision to ban tobacco on campus beginning Jan. 1 is up to a committee of administration, faculty, staff and students that meets on the...

An American River College student takes a hit from his vaporizer. Vaping, along with smoking, will be banned at ARC starting on Jan. 1. (Photo by Jordan Schauberger)

Opinion: Vaping shouldn’t be a part of the smoking ban

Jordan Schauberger October 6, 2015

The original headline of this story stated "Vaping shouldn't be apart of the smoking ban." The actual opinion being presented is that "Vaping shouldn't be a part of the smoking ban." American River...

Tobacco use on the American River College campus is scheduled to become prohibited starting next January.

Tobacco use to be banned at ARC beginning in 2016

John Ferrannini and John Ferrannini July 7, 2015

American River College is scheduled to become tobacco free on Jan. 1, 2016, the first campus to do so among the Los Rios colleges. President Thomas Greene decided to institute a ban of tobacco on campus...

Designated smoking areas are an ideal way to allow the use of tobacco and e-cigarette devices without non-smokers  facing the health effects of second-hand smoke.

Editorial: Lift the Smokescreen

Current Editorial Board April 18, 2015

The United States is a very different place today than it was just 50 years ago. Smoking cigarettes in the office or while dining with significant others was not just considered normal, it was a show of...

Following a lifestyle of abstaining from drugs and alcohol, like adherents of the straight edge movement, ensures a college student maximum success in their academic pursuits.

Opinion: Use your brain, not alcohol or drugs

Mychael Jones and Mychael Jones April 17, 2015

American River College students are adults who can make the conscious choice to attend classes on campus, but making the choice to abstain from drinking alcohol or using illicit drugs to supposedly de-stress...

Survey heralds possible changes to campus smoking policy

Survey heralds possible changes to campus smoking policy

John Ferrannini and John Ferrannini April 14, 2015

If a new student at American River College does not notice the curly, thin streams of tobacco smoke drifting into the open air in front of Davies Hall or in the Rose Marks quad, they probably notice the...

CAEB changes elections bylaws, discusses campus smoking policy

CAEB changes elections bylaws, discusses campus smoking policy

Joseph Daniels and Joseph Daniels April 9, 2015

The Associated Student Body Clubs and Events Board passed bylaws that change the date of fall special elections to the end of September, discussed the smoking policy and introduced a contest for the upcoming...

How do students feel about smoking on campus?

Noor Abasi April 7, 2015

  Video Credit: Noor Abasi Listen to what the students have to say about smoking on their campus.

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