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The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

One anonymous teacher shares the struggle of not getting to see her students in person now that the campus remains closed. "I miss seeing them in person and feel like I'm teaching in a vacuum," she said. (file photo)

Finding direction with personality types

Katia Esguerra April 11, 2019

Being lost and undecided is a common feeling amongst students when it comes to what direction to pursue. Having to decide and declare a major can be stressful and sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint...

The purpose of the True Colors Workshop is to help college students determine their personality type, in order to help them personalize and improve methods for studying and self motivation. (Photo illustration by Anthony Barnes)

True Colors Workshop helps students with career choices

Anthony Barnes March 5, 2019

Are you a student having second thoughts about your major and what the future may hold? If so, then you are not alone — and American River College recently held a workshop designed to address that dilemma. The...

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