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The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

Zoom is now the new normal and has changed the face of interacting with many. However, there are no set rules on how to manage meeting settings so the majority feels respected during discussions. (Screenshot by Maya Barber)

Zoom etiquette is important, but not always followed

Lorraine Barron and Maya Barber March 14, 2022

In 2020, COVID-19 struck and created a new way of living. The world was put on lockdown, but life needed to continue. In order to participate in school or work, many people moved online. This meant a world...

The American River College Associated Student Body, pictured here on Feb. 4 2022, met on Feb. 11, 2022, and gave feedback on HomeBase and offered ways to improve. They also were able to learn about their goals and what the program has to offer. (Screenshot of ARC ASB)

ASB gives feedback on HomeBase

Maya Barber, Feature Editor February 23, 2022

The Associated Student Body of American River College discussed and gave feedback on ways to resolve issues with HomeBase during its Feb. 11 meeting. The board also was joined by two students of the...

 The American River College library is currently closed in the fall semester of 2021, but will open in spring 2022 with more resources for students and staff. (Photo by Maya Barber)

ARC library will open spring 2022

Maya Barber, Staff Writer December 5, 2021

The American River College Library, which has not been open to the public since the beginning of the pandemic, is set to reopen in the spring of 2022.  During the ARC Student Body meeting on Nov. 5,...

The American River College library is currently closed in the fall semester of 2021, but stays up to date to help students with the help of librarian Sarah Lehmann (Photo courtesy of Sarah Lehmann)

Librarian Sarah Lehmann advocates for all ARC students

Maya Barber, Staff Writer November 19, 2021

Sarah Lehmann’s own college experience as a student worker in the library encouraged her to become a librarian. Now many years later she has worked as a librarian at American River College for more than...

Many student’s textbooks  are starting to pile up because it is challenging to sell them back. Professor's need to take the time to research different, more affordable and accessible options for their students instead. (Photo illustration by Maya Barber)

College is expensive enough without wasting money on unneeded textbooks

Maya Barber, Staff Writer October 27, 2021

It is very expensive to attend college. You have to pay for your classes, materials, in some cases dormitory, and textbooks. While all of these expenses are important, some professors are requiring students...

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