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The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

Lowden teaching her class at ARC (Photo by Laryn Godbold)

Yoga and Volleyball: ARC’s Women’s Volleyball Coach Combines Them Both

Laryn Godbold, Staff Writer December 12, 2024

Yoga has been a stable practice for over 5,000 years across the world. It is believed that it originated in Northern India, by the Indus-Sarasvati river valley civilization. The sacred principles and practices...

49ers make a comeback at their Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California. (Photo illustration by Ilene Lao)

The 49ers recent win against the Cowboys puts the team’s season back on track

Ilene Lao, Staff Writer November 13, 2024

The 49ers have had an inconsistent start to the season which has not looked good for them. The defense has been struggling with their plays more than the offense. This season they’ve had quite a few...

As the 2024 presidential election nears, younger generations find new ways to be politically aware and active.  Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign tapped into that new trend when it adopted singer Charlie XCX's "Brat" motif for its Twitter background. (Screenshot courtesy of Kamala HQ)

Views to votes: will social media trends drive youngest voters to the ballot box?

Anne Biebl, Copy Editor September 20, 2024

With each presidential election comes new ways of expressing support for candidates. From bumper stickers to yard signs and t-shirts, many Americans have found various methods to showcase their political...

In-person learning is increasing among students and the American River College campus is coming back to life. (Photo by Shy Bell)

Enrollment has increased at ARC since the spring 2022 semester

Carla Montaruli and Shy Bell April 21, 2023

Enrollment is back up at American River College and the number of in-person classes has increased, even as the continuation of online courses has allowed fraudulent enrollment to persist.  The data...

Beaver Cares will offer a food distribution for American River College students struggling with basic needs. (Photo by Carla Montaruli).

Beaver food pantry helps ARC students struggling with basic needs

Carla Montaruli, Social Media and Opinion Editor February 20, 2023

American River College offers several services through the Beavers Cares Center, such as resources for food and housing. The Center is located in the Welcome and Support Center on campus.  One such...

Tour de France participant Neilson Powless alongside his mother, Jeanette Powless who is the women’s track and field coach at American River College (Photo courtesy of Jeanette Powless)

Powless’ athletic excellence; it runs in the family

Brandon Zamora, Opinion Editor October 14, 2020

Jeanette Powless is a professor in the athletic department, and the women’s track and field coach at American River College. Before she became a coach at ARC, however, Powless was an Olympic track-runner...

The Oak Cafe is opening its doors this spring semester Wed. Feb. 12 . File Photo.

The Oak Cafe opens its doors for the 2020 spring semester

Josh Ghiorso February 24, 2020

Already tired of the cafeteria food this spring semester? Then head over to the Oak Cafe,  where American River College’s student-run bakery and restaurant re-opened Wed. Feb 12.  “The Oak Café...

After a life-changing accident, when he was 17, Nick Rouse found gaming as a way to connect with and encourage other gamers with disabilities. Now, Rouse's YouTube channel, Quadnick, has over 11 thousand subscribers. (Photo by Jack Harris)

ARC student finds community in gaming

Jack Harris December 12, 2019

“Without video games I definitely would’ve been a lot worse off. It helped me live another life.” When Nick Rouse was 17 years old he fractured his C1 vertebrae, shattered his C5, and lost movement...

Professor Arthur Lapierre directs his MUP 401 Advanced Vocal Jazz Ensemble class at American River Collge on Sept. 20, 2019. (Photo by Jack Harris)

Even a brain tumor can’t stop this music driven professor

Jack Harris October 9, 2019

Arthur Lapierre arrived before the rest of his class to a room with walls lined with acoustic padding and a plethora of orchestral instruments and equipment pushed up to the edges. Lapierre wheeled the...

Environmental Studies major Julia Ackerman takes some time to study outside.

A Study Guide to Studying

Felix Oliveros September 21, 2018

Studying is a vital part of every student’s life, and most students spend more time on it than they’d probably like. Some have studying figured out, and some have tried time and time again to find...

Don Reid poses in his print shop at American River College on Nov. 28, 2017. (Photo by Ashley Hayes-Stone)

ARC printing supervisor brings eco-awareness to campus

Ashley Hayes-Stone January 31, 2018

Don Reid walks into the tiny office that he plans to soon call home. The small station consists of gray barren walls, an old desk, a squeaky chair and a dusty typewriter. The fluorescent lights cast...

Chris Sutton holds a flyer that he uses to convince people to consider organ donations. Sutton was the recipient of an organ donation at the age of 2 that saved his life. (Photo by Ashley Hayes-Stone)

Organ recipient educates others on the importance of donating

Ashley Hayes-Stone November 16, 2017

Each year the number of people on the organ transplant waiting list continues to grow rapidly—even as the  number of donors stays relatively the same, according to As a result, only...

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