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The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

Members of the Sacramento County Sheriff's Explosive Ordinance Detail enter their vehicle on May 5, 2018. The officers were dispatched to William Land Park after reports of an object that appeared to be a pipe bomb. The suspicious metal rod was found to be safe after the EOD Unit took X-rays. (Photo by Luis Gael Jimenez)

Breaking News: Suspicions of bomb in Land Park prompt Rave Alert

Luis Gael May 9, 2018

Suspicions of a pipe bomb placed at William Land Park caused district officials to send out a Rave Alert warning students to avoid the area on Wednesday. The alert, which went out at 9:06 a.m, urged...

Adrian Lamo, 37, gained infamy after turning in Chelsea Manning to federal authorities for exposing classified government information to WikiLeaks. Lamo died on on March 14 from undisclosed causes in his Wichita, Kansas home. His body was discovered on March 16 (Photo courtesy of Mario Lamo).

Adrian Lamo, hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning, and ARC alumnus dies

Luis Gael April 9, 2018

Adrian Lamo, the controversial “grey hat” hacker best known for reporting Chelsea Manning to the FBI and hacking into the websites of the New York Times, Yahoo, Microsoft and other companies, was found...

After the shooting in Parkland, Florida that left 17 people dead, American River College officials are re-examining many of their secuirty protocols. (Photo Illustration by Ashley Hayes-Stone)

Are we prepared for a school emergency?

Luis Gael and Brienna Edwards March 14, 2018

By Brienna Edwards and Luis Gael Jimenez Parkland, Florida became home to one of the world’s deadliest school massacres when Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was victim to a mass shooting on Feb....

UFC fighter Josh Emmett trains in the octagon with his trainer Joey Rodriguez at on Feb. 14 at Urijah Faber's Ultimate Fitness. Emmett is preparing for his first UFC main event fight against Jeremy Stephens on Feb. 24 in Orlando, FL. (Photo by Ashley Hayes-Stone)

UFC Fighter Josh Emmett reflects on growing up in Sacramento

Luis Gael March 14, 2018

From where Josh Emmett is standing, he can hear the music pounding through the arena speakers. He’s waiting for his cue to enter the octagon. The 32-year-old is about to make his professional...

John Edgar, a member of the anti-abortion activist group Project Truth, stands in front of one of the group's signs posted by its set up near the Student Center. Project Truth visits college campuses among other venues across the country to spread its message. (File Photo)

ARC President warns students of ‘outside group’ planning protest at ARC

Luis Gael March 2, 2018

According to a campus-wide email sent out by American River College President Thomas Greene, an “outside group” calling itself Project Truth will be on school grounds as part of an anti-abortion demonstration...

(Photo Illustration by Ashley Hayes_Stone)

Marijuana legal in California but not on campus

Luis Gael and Brienna Edwards February 22, 2018

By Brienna Edwards & Luis Gael Jimenez Larissa Lopez rolls out of bed, eyes bleary and heavy-lidded. She is tired and she is stressed; her mind is running a mile a minute and won't slow down. She...

The Rancho Cordova Police Department has yet to identify the suspect involved in the shooting of a non-student at the Folsom Lake College Rancho Cordova Center on April 12, 2020. (File Photo)

Breaking News: Reports of a man with a gun on campus prompt school-wide lockdown

Luis Gael February 14, 2018

American River College was placed on lockdown by the Los Rios Police Department after reports of a man on campus with a gun at approximately 7 p.m. on Wednesday evening. According to Sergeant J. Lampano...

(Photo by Luis Gael Jimenez)

Breaking News: LRPD Officer calls for backup after altercation with student

Luis Gael February 6, 2018

Sacramento Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call for backup from a Los Rios Police Department Officer Tuesday afternoon after an apparent altercation with an American River College student inside the...

A group of protesters hold up a "Women's March Sacramento" sign during the annual Sacramento Women's March on Jan. 20, 2018 in Sacramento, California.  (Photo by Ashley Hayes-Stone)

Women’s March brings thousands to the state capitol

Luis Gael January 24, 2018

Millions of protesters took to the streets of cities all across the country, including Sacramento,  to voice their support for the rights of marginalized populations in the United States on Saturday as...

A woman holds up a sign at “Women’s March on Sacramento,” a nationwide peaceful gathering to show support for all marginalized peoples in downtown Sacramento in 2017. This year's march is expected to draw 20,000 people into the streets of downtown. (File Photo)

Thousands plan march on state capitol in support of women’s rights

Luis Gael January 19, 2018

On Saturday Jan. 20, tens of thousands of people will flood the streets of Sacramento to participate in the 2018 Women’s March. The march will begin at Southside Park at 10 a.m. and protesters will...

(Left) Tracy Mapes' staff photo from his time on the AR Current in the spring of 2016. (File photo)

(Right) Tracy Mapes' mugshot at the Santa Clara Police Department on Nov. 26 after being arrested for allegedly dropping anti-media leaflets over Levi Stadium. (Photo courtesy of Santa Clara Police Department)

Student arrested for flying drone over NFL stadium had prior confrontations with faculty and students

Mack Ervin III, John Ennis, and Luis Gael December 5, 2017

An American River College student and former Current staff member was arrested Nov. 28 after dropping anti-media leaflets from a drone over separate San Francisco 49ers' and Oakland Raiders' games. Tracy...

Arthur Jackson III (left) runs with the football during a game against Laney College on Nov. 18. (Photo by Ashley Hayes-Stone)

ARC football player has eyes on the next level

Luis Gael and Ashley Hayes-Stone December 5, 2017

By Luis Gael Jimenez & Ashley Hayes-Stone As he waits for the kick return, Arthur Jackson III blocks out the noise from the roaring crowd. He imagines himself standing alone on the field. Just him,...

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