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The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

Student Senate President Deborah Hernandez, CAEB President Mariana Topich and CAEB Commissioner of Finance Jacob Kohl at the November 28, 2017 CAEB meeting. (Photo by John Ennis)

Clubs and Events Board discusses plans for future events

John Ennis November 29, 2017

The Clubs and Events Board's first focus of its November 28 meeting was to brainstorm and add to a list of ideas for Clubs Day during the spring 2018 semester. Some of the ideas generated include a...

Geology Professor Glenn Jaecks delivers a speech on climate change during a college hour on Nov. 16. (Photo by John Ennis)

Professor gives ARC recommendations to combat climate change

John Ennis November 20, 2017

On Nov. 16, geology professor Glenn Jaecks gave a lecture during college hour about adapting locally and regionally to the effects of climate change, as well as what we can do to minimize its impact on...

ARC Automotive Department's Tesla Model S. (Photo by John Ennis)

ARC’s Automotive Department has a Tesla Model S and it’s awesome

John Ennis October 16, 2017

Last week I got to go for a drive in the all-electric Tesla Model S 60 luxury sedan that is owned and operated by the ARC Automotive Department and it was awesome. When I saw a white Model S with "American...

Student Senate President Deborah Hernandez swearing in CAEB President Mariana Topich at the October 3, 2017

CAEB is revived with the help and encouragement of last semester’s members

John Ennis October 5, 2017

ARC's Clubs and Events Board held its first meeting of the semester on October 3 after Associated Student Body elections in the last week of September provided the board with two new officers. The meeting...

Senator Mahmoud Abduljabbar, Senator Lidia Lara, Director of Finance Jesse Taylor, Student Senate President Deborah Hernandez and Senator Laurie Jones at the September 28, 2017 Student Senate meeting. (Photo by John Ennis)

Student Senate requests more cameras for parking garage

John Ennis October 2, 2017

At Student Senate's Sept. 28 meeting, American River College’s police captain Chris Day addressed the board about their concerns over the need for additional security cameras in the parking garage due...

Anti-DACA protesters gather in downtown Sacramento on Sept. 6, 2017 to voice their support for “Dreamers.” (Photo courtesy of Grace Loescher)

ARC’s DACA students prepare for an uncertain future

John Ennis September 11, 2017

Sept. 5's announcement by Attorney General Jeff Sessions about ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program has left many of American River College's undocumented students wondering what lies...

ASB Student Senate president Valencia Scott speaks during a Senate meeting on Feb. 16, 2017 at ARC. Topics discussed during the meeting included a parking fee increase, the creation of a meditation center, and funding for ASB elections. (Photo by Mack Ervin III)

Student Senate discusses draft resolution to designate ARC a “safe zone”

John Ennis February 21, 2017

At the Student Senate's February 16 meeting, the senate’s president Valencia Scott read a draft of a joint resolution to designate ARC as a "safe zone" for students who have been impacted by the recent...

Director of Finance Brian Stalker, CAEB President Justin Nicholson, CAEB Vice President Mary Stedman and newly appointed Director of Communications Bruce Rand at the February 14 meeting. (Photo by John Ennis)

CAEB appoints new Director of Communications and discusses increase of parking fees

John Ennis February 15, 2017

The Clubs and Events Board had a sweet start to its Valentine's Day meeting by passing out heart shaped boxes of chocolates to members in attendance, which came in contrast to the discussion of an increase...

Jacob Olson (left) and Ben McNeilley (right) are shown sitting outside in the rain promoting for the American River College Engineering Club. The sign they have posted says “ARC Engineering Club Wants You.” (Photo by Mychael Jones)

Engineering Club shows off creations at Club Day; others promote awarness

John Ennis and John Ennis February 13, 2017

The Clubs and Events Board held its semi-regular Club Day inside the Student Center on Thursday due to heavy rain that would have made the usual event location in the quad undesirable. Club representatives...

American River Coleege student Senate president Valencia Scott (left) with Justin Nicholson (center) and Alejandra Hilbert (right) gives hear opening message at the October 6, 2016 meeting. (Photo by Robert Hansen)

Student senate discusses food pantry to fight student hunger

John Ennis October 7, 2016

The student senate of American River College discussed ways to create a student-led food pantry to deal with the issue of food insecurity among students on campus at Thursday’s meeting. Student hunger...

Qais Ahmad (center) translates for first lieutenant Noah Christen (right) from 4th ID troops and Colonel shams kareemi, Commander of Afghan border police (left) in Khogyani district of Nangarhar province. (courtesy of Qais Ahmad)

Afghan interpreter for US army attends ARC

John Ennis September 13, 2016

In September of 2011, Qais Ahmad made the decision to put his own life in immediate danger; he had volunteered to become an interpreter for the United States military in his home country, Afghanistan. Ahmad,...

Senate President Valencia Scott (left) discusses the fomation of the judiciary committee as Justin Nicholson listens and Laurie Jones waits to be called on at the first senate meeting of the fall semester on Sept. 1. (Photo by Robert Hansen)

Senate discusses possible renovations to lactation room

John Ennis and John Ennis September 6, 2016

A previous version of this article stated that the ASB was considering creating a lactation room. The lactation room already exists, the ASB was considering renovations to it. The previous version also...

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