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The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

The student voice of American River College since 1955

The American River Current

“Oh, look, a political statement,” said LRPD officer Kathy Church, in reference to a written comment on one of the many pay stations throughout the ARC campus she reset this morning as a result of the district-wide daily parking pass fee increase effective today. (Photo by Brooke Purves)

Los Rios students feel the parking permit pinch: fees go up today

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves July 1, 2014

Notices, on 8 by 11 inch pieces of pink paper, are being taped to all daily parking pay stations throughout the Los Rios Community College District. The reaction to the information on those papers is strong,...

Daily parking pass increase effective July 1

Daily parking pass increase effective July 1

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves June 30, 2014

Tired of paying for on-campus parking? Well, get ready to open your wallet a little bit wider. Effective Tuesday, daily parking passes are increasing by 100 percent, from $1 to $2 per day, according...

Slapping petitioner arrested for murder

Slapping petitioner arrested for murder

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves June 14, 2014

The petitioner who slapped an American River College student in March was arrested on charges of murder last month in the May 18 shooting death of 28-year-old Anthony Johnson. Pavel Postelnyak, 23,...

Dance company brings down the house with fresh talent and an impassioned performance.

Dance company brings down the house with fresh talent and an impassioned performance.

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves May 20, 2014

“I was in an emotionally abusive relationship before my boyfriend now, so I can relate to the panic and stress,” said performer Katie Sullivan, of the performance she and other American River College...

The Origin of Kava

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves May 15, 2014

According to Okusitino Sitake, a descendent of Tongan royalty living in North Highlands, this ceremony is used to celebrate the installation of royal titles or the king’s birthday, but similar familial...

Powdered kava root is prepared by Jacob Ciongoli, a worker at The Root of Happiness kava bar in Rancho Cordova. Photo by Emily K. Rabasto

Kava: someone’s relaxation destination

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves May 15, 2014

Self-taught ethnobotanicalist Travis Blythe, who studies sacred plants, claims the effect of kava, a drink made from the pulp of the root of a Polynesian pepper plant, is a “complete and total relaxation...

ARC student uses dance to cope with PTSD and homelessness

ARC student uses dance to cope with PTSD and homelessness

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves May 6, 2014

When asked how she is doing, Spiritdancer Donaldson said, “It’s getting warmer,” with a bit of a forced laugh. The weather is important to Donaldson, not because she’s looking to get her “bikini...

ESL student bears burdens of homelands

ESL student bears burdens of homelands

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves April 30, 2014

The only person of color in the room. The oldest student in your general education class. The only stay-at-home dad at the preschool roundup. Most of us have had some sort of immersion experience, where...

An exciting open stage night showcased ARC dancers’ talent

An exciting open stage night showcased ARC dancers’ talent

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves April 27, 2014

What started out as an open dance night for the dance department Friday turned into a bit of a life lesson and a brief tour of the education and career opportunities of a dancer at the recital in Kinesiology...

LRCCD Chancellor and faculty discuss Student Success Scorecard

LRCCD Chancellor and faculty discuss Student Success Scorecard

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves April 25, 2014

Los Rios Community College District Chancellor Brian King met with faculty, staff, students and administrators Tuesday in an open forum brown bag lunch in the Community Room of the American River College...

Nighttime fundraiser for women’s golf team

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves April 25, 2014

What could be a better way to spend your Saturday night than smacking a few balls around the golf course? Smacking a few glow balls around the Bradshaw Ranch Golf Course at the first Glow Golf Tournament...

Paramedic students endure rigorous training at ARC

Paramedic students endure rigorous training at ARC

Brooke Purves and Brooke Purves April 2, 2014

“We were struck by lightning, all three of us -- worst luck in history,” said Heather Jenkins, a paramedic student who participated in a paramedic training scenario March 19, in which some students...

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