Students respond to Student Trustee Cameron Weaver's,(Left), Holocaust skepticism made in an interview with The Current Sept. 16. Students share varying levels of support, outrage and ambiguity for Weaver's comments. (File Photo)
In response to the recent remarks by Student Trustee Cameron Weaver in a Sept. 16 interview with the Current casting doubt on whether the Holocaust actually took place, students at American River College have expressed varying levels of support, outrage and ambiguity.
Associated Student Body Sen. Tamara Dunning said that several students had expressed concern to her about Weaver so she sent in an agenda item request for the possibility of his removal.
“The comments are inappropriate and not representative of the students,” said Dunning. “He did have an opportunity to apologize and he chose not to apologize for what he said or to take back his comments.”
One of the students who reached out to Dunning was Brett Spencer, a volunteer at the Community and Diversity Center, who spoke out during the public comment portion of the Senate meeting and urged the board to recall Weaver.
“Holocaust denial is considered anti-Semitic,” said Spencer. “You should get Weaver in to face his accuser, but, as a student, I want to call for his removal.”
The Senate discussed the option of recalling him but never got to a formal vote during last Thursday’s meeting. A special meeting will be held on Wednesday at 3 p.m. to form a committee to research the facts surrounding Weaver’s comments.
ARC student Tracy Mapes mentioned concern he has for Weaver’s well-being.
“The Jewish community is very powerful in Sacramento,” said Mapes. “So, I’d be interested to see how this one article will affect his career going forward. I would be concerned for his health.”
Ashton Dixon, a culinary student, said that it is Weaver’s right to say what he feels like saying.
“It’s his right to have that opinion,” said Dixon. “We can’t tell him what to say and what not to say.”
Alysun Littlefield, a first semester student at ARC, questioned Weaver’s ability to represent the students in the Los Rios district.
“How is he supposed to represent the students when he’s saying stuff as idiotic as this?” asked Littlefield. “That’s the history of a group of the students who he is speaking for and he’s disrespecting it.”
ARC student Airyn Streuhs-Forman had a similar sentiment about Weaver.
“How can we have someone so ignorant representing us?” said Streuhs-Forman.
Bethel Cullen, a psychology student, thought that Weaver’s statements were ridiculous.
“I think it’s absurd,” said Cullen. “That’s like uniquely toddler dumb.”
Several students, including criminal justice major Michael Parkin, don’t care either way about what Weaver said.
“His opinion doesn’t matter,” said Parkin. “I don’t care what he thinks.”
Other Los Rios college students, like Sacramento City College student Zeshan Saleem, have voiced their opinions on Weaver’s comments.
“I don’t like and see this (signing a petition for Weaver’s removal) as a big step,” said Saleem. “Something needs to be done ASAP.”