Change of Club and Events President stalls Club Day
Fight for Education was the theme for Club Day on March 21. With 27 clubs in attendance, food ranging from hot dogs to tri-tip sandwiches, and a stage for any student to display their talents, you wouldn’t have wanted to miss it.
If you are wondering why you didn’t know when Club Day was, you weren’t alone, most of the students there for the festivities didn’t know about it either. They were either on their way to class or the student center when they realized what was going on.
David Kucher, Vice President of The Accounting Society, has ideas that could bring in more students. “I believe that we can contribute to advertising a little more,” said Kucher, “[And] target specific classes with specific clubs.”
The first Club Day, which was initially scheduled at the beginning of the semester, had been canceled. The resignation of Antonio Maldonado, President of Clubs and Event Board (CAEB), caused the cancellation of the event. Mattie Sand was then appointed acting President of CAEB and set off to plan this Club Day.
Many things go into making sure that club day is successful. There are smalls things, like having enough tables for each club, making sure that everyone knows where they are going and getting the students interested.
As far as the new location, Sand likes it. “We get a lot of foot traffic,” said Sand. “I like Rose Marks Quad because it has a lot of shade, but because it was off to the side from the library. A lot of people just walked by and didn’t go into the area where the tables were.”
Club Day is set up by the students, and their participation is the key in making all Club Days possible. “I would suggest being involved to anyone that has time,” said Sand. “It can be very stressful finding the time but it can be very rewarding.”
Club Day had many students stepping up to the microphone and showing off their skills. Stanley Thompson, aka “The Professor,” let his fellow colleagues hear the word of God through Gospel rap. “I feel like Club Day is the perfect day because there are a lot people out here for different things and different purposes,” said Thompson.
In the past semesters, Club Day was held in the Rose Marks Quad, a smaller area near Raef Hall. Although many students feel the move to the student center is a better location, Jose Guzman, former Treasurer of the Latinos Unidos club, has a different feeling. “It is a great location, but, personally, I liked the old location better,” said Guzman. “The Latinos Unidos club is separated from everybody else. At the old location it was a small space but every table was connected.”
Club Day for April will be held in the same location near the student center and the theme will be Beaver week. It is a nice way to enjoy some great food, see what clubs are on campus, and see the talents of your fellow peers and colleagues.