Business 300 takes a principled approach to the business state of mind. Every lecture includes the various aspects the business world has to offer.
Whether you have plans to work in the field or not, there is no better class to sharpen your outlook on the current issues surrounding business. The lectures revolve around management, marketing, international business, finance, accounting, human resources, insurance, and business law.
Taught by Professor Robert Gonzalez, every lecture evokes a natural tendency for students to ask questions and participate in discussions. Time spent in this class is an “opportunity cost,” explains Gonzalez, when referring to the economic value and academic reward provided.
Gonzalez has a law degree, which allows him to seamlessly integrate business examples for every question prompted. “Word wealth is important,” says Gonzalez when advising students to prepare themselves for the ever-changing world of business.
Located in Raef Hall, students in this class enjoy one of the only three classrooms on campus with auditorium seating. Parallel to the business world, there is a diverse group of students who attend the class. When everyone participates, everyone adds something unique to the lectures.
Like most classes, you get what you put in. Unlike other classes, there is a lot of motivation to get involved in the daily pursuit of seeking opportunity beyond the classroom.