Dear Editor,
I am writing in response to your recent article about potential mental health legislation. The article discussed proposed legislation that would increase the amount of funding for mental health services in higher education settings. These campus health centers would be able to administer mental health assessments, and refer students to outside providers.
As an occupational therapy student, I am invested in this new legislation from the perspective of my field. I believe that the legislation will increase college student’s ability to access occupational therapy by providing increased referrals to our services. In addition, the legislation would have a positive impact on by increasing awareness of occupational therapy services to patients who may not otherwise see healthcare professionals. A negative impact, however, is that referrals may bring in patients who cannot afford or are not insured for occupational therapy services.
Overall, however, I believe that the act is a wonderful proposal. Mental health is often overlooked and is a huge issue in this population. College students are often overwhelmed and at high risk for depression, eating disorders, and other mental health issues. This proposal will increase the availability of services for a population who desperately needs them.
Hanna Morris, OTS