Letter to the Editor:
For those of you who have questioned the appropriateness of my weird headgear for a Director-elect of Finance, that picture was taken on Club Day in the costume contest for Crazy Hat. (I won!) So it is not something I would wear to a Joint Budget Committee meeting. If you noticed, VP Fisher’s parasol from the funeral procession for Bucky Beaver is also from Club Day. In addition, apparently Jorge Riley’s picture is from Club Day, but he was not in costume and was able to take off his sunglasses. The Current photographer, Melissa Hurtado, was under a tight deadline, so for the women, she just used pictures that she already had. I think they had to take candidate pictures of CAEB President Jeremy Diefenbacher and Trustee Omba Kipuke. I hope that assuages your fears.
Laurie Jones, ASBARC Student Senator
Director-elect of Finance