Beaver food pantry helps ARC students struggling with basic needs
Beaver Cares will offer a walk-up food distribution on Feb. 22
Beaver Cares will offer a food distribution for American River College students struggling with basic needs. (Photo by Carla Montaruli).
American River College offers several services through the Beavers Cares Center, such as resources for food and housing. The Center is located in the Welcome and Support Center on campus.
One such service is a regular farmer’s market-styled food distribution event located next to the Portable Village. This semester’s first distribution is Wednesday, Feb. 22.
The food pantry is another service that the center offers. It gives students different access to different options of grab and go food.
They offer fruit cups and granola bars, shelf sustainable items such as rice, beans, pasta sauce and pasta, as well as pantry staples like flour, sugar and cooking oil. They also have cold options like milk, yogurt and eggs.
To get access, students have to check in at the front desk and they can come in once a week to pick up whatever foods they prefer.
“The goal of the food pantry is to assist students who are food insecure with additional food resources to help their homes with their grocery budget,” said Valerie Adger ARC’s student support supervisor.
There will be additional food distribution dates this semester: March 8 and March 22. All of them will start at 11 a.m. and end at 1 p.m.