ARC receives $20,000 grant for data science projects applicable to academic disciplines – students can participate
The deadline for proposals is Oct. 24
ARC received a $20,000 grant from the William Hixson Foundation for data science projects applicable to academic disciplines. Proposals are due Oct. 24.(Photo via Unsplash)
American River College recently received a grant of $20,000 for projects exploring the integration of data science into academic discipline, according to Kirsten Corbin, dean of business and computer science at ARC.
“Data can be manipulated in ways that negatively impact us or they can be used to drive meaningful change,” Corbin said. “Therefore, it is imperative that students understand and visualize their world in data.”
According to Corbin, the grant will be split into four grants of up to $5,000 each, a decision made by Frank Kobayashi, vice president of instruction at ARC. This enables multiple projects—e.i.ideas—to run while still providing enough resources for success.
“The awards are to support projects that investigate integrating data science into academic disciplines,” Corbin said. “So the intent is that the applications are open to faculty.”
- Even though the grant is intended for staff, students can submit proposals by securing a faculty sponsor, Corbin added.
There are five criteria that the projects must meet in order to apply for the grant. The project must; be doable within the given time frame and funds, involve students with data collections and analysis, provide a positive impact on student success and college equity goals, not be redundant and be sustainable long-term.
According to Scott Crow, ARC’s communication and public information officer, the donation came from the William Hixson Foundation, the same foundation that donated $25,000 toward the Diane Bryant STEM Innovation Center. There is even a math classroom named after the foundation.
“The WEH Foundation has supported both Folsom Lake College and ARC,” Crow said. “We appreciate the generous support of the foundation for our students and college.”
The last day to submit proposals is Oct. 24, and the awards will be announced on Oct. 31, Corbin said. The projects will be implemented no later than spring 2023 and the reports will be due by the end of spring 2023.
According to Crow, ARC does not have plans in place to continue research in the area but the college will be involved with any long-term project arising from these proposals.
“Moving forward, ARC would be involved if there are any projects that might be continuing or ongoing,” Crow said.