LRCCD to lift mask mandate on March 14
The district still strongly encourages students and employees to wear a mask after the mandate lifts
The Los Rios Community College District will be lifting the mask mandate starting on March 14, 2022. With this, the district still encourages students and employees to continue to wear a mask. (Photo via Unsplash)
On March 7, American River College announced in an email from Los Rios Community College District Chancellor Brian King and co-signed by all four college presidents, including ARC President Melanie Dixon, that masks would no longer be required on campus starting March 14.
The district says that masks are still highly encouraged for all students and employees, but they will not be enforced. King says that the LRCCD supports any student or employee’s choice to continue wearing masks if it makes them more comfortable.
“California Department of Public Health and the Sacramento County Public Health Department have ended mask mandates and are now strongly encouraging everyone to wear masks, particularly those who are at a higher risk of contracting or becoming seriously ill from COVID-19,” King said in the email.
The email says that masks are expected to be worn by students or employees who have experienced any symptoms or have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19.
“Individuals who are symptomatic, recently exposed to a COVID-19 positive case, or have tested positive for COVID-19 and have returned early prior to 10 days based on receiving a negative COVID-19 test should continue to wear a mask,” King said.
According to the email, the LRCCD administration says it hopes that the worst days of the pandemic are over, and the district will continue to get back to more normal activities and procedures.
According to King, if public health conditions warrant a more restrictive environment in the future, ARC and the LRCCD will work to protect the well-being of students and employees.
“We will continue to follow appropriate guidance and make adjustments as necessary,” King said.