Since the Los Rios Community College District made the decision to transfer all American River College operations to online, the Associated Student Body has not been able to meet in person, but is still continuing to meet through Zoom. (file photo)
The American River College Associated Student Body passed two bills, F19 and F19-06, at a meeting on Sept. 20.
Bill F19, the Student Giveaways Bill, which allocates up to $1,000 for ASB to purchase school-related items for students attending ARC starting this fall. These items would possibly include: stress balls, flash drives, pens, lined pads, bluebooks, scantrons and healthy snacks, according to the ASB meeting agenda.
“One thing that our board’s really passionate about is to make sure that students have the ability to succeed,” Kevin Hill, president of the Club and Events Board (CAEB) said. “With the $1,000 … we can be that resource for students to have pencils, scantrons and bluebooks.”
The board also passed Bill F19-06, the Plastic Display Holder Bill, which grants up to $250 for the purchase of plastic display holders. The holders would be placed on the ARC cafeteria tables in hopes to advertise campus wide news and events.
“[The plastic display holders] are going to have a huge impact for us to announce stuff. Students will see it right away, in front of them, instead of having posters everywhere,” Aesha Abduljabbar, student senate president said.
Any club would be able to use the display holders to make their announcements, according to Abduljabbar.
There will not be a student senate meeting Friday Sept. 27 because the board will be attending the Student Leadership and Development Educators (SLADE) conference. The next scheduled ASB meeting is Oct. 4 at 10:30 a.m. in the Student Center Boardroom.