By Barbara Harvey and John Ferrannini
Los Rios Student Trustee Cameron Weaver cast doubt on the historical accounts of the Holocaust and the Sept. 11 attacks and discussed his views on antidepressants and high-profile shooters during a 55-minute sit down interview with The Current where he said that being a conspiracy theorist was “a title I wear proudly.”
Weaver said that he doesn’t know if the Holocaust happened.
“I’m definitely not going to go out and venture and say anything like ‘Oh, Holocaust didn’t happen.’ There are tons of people that make that argument,” said Weaver. “From a really unbiased perspective, I completely disagree, but I also completely agree. What I mean when I say both is that I don’t know the answer.”
Weaver compared knowing the facts of the Holocaust to sports fans discussing a football game.
“It’s unfair of me to sit there and say ‘Oh, well because I was told something my whole life, I know this to be the truth and you are incorrect.’ People do that everyday about everything,” said Weaver. “We don’t even have to use Jewish people as an example. Even the smallest detail: ‘Hey, 49ers sucked this game, I watched it, it’s a fact.’ Other person’s like, ‘Nah dude, they rocked, they did great.’ Neither side is right or wrong because neither side can really make that connotation.”
Weaver specifically cast doubt on the figure that 6 million Jews died during the Holocaust, saying that newspapers had been reporting on genocides against the Jews since 1915.
“I don’t have the physical copies of those newspapers. Is it possible that there were some changes to those newspapers? It’s possible,” said Weaver. “But in these newspapers, there was a very conflicting thing I noticed: there was continual reporting that 6 million Jewish people were facing a lot of — they were facing starvation, being evicted from their homes, over in Russia, and then three years later it changed to Ukrainia (sic).
“There are people that are unfortunately being pillaged and being killed and it’s terrible, but where’s the updated statistic?”
If anybody would consider me a ‘conspiracy theorist’ because I entertain looking at the outside aspects of things that affect our country, that’s a title I wear proudly. I have no shame in that. –Cameron Weaver, Los Rios student trustee
Weaver, who was the Associated Student Body Student Senate director of public relations last year and was also a member of the Current for two semesters, including one as opinion editor, styled himself a skeptic. He said that he respects people who disagree with him, even though he asserts that their opinions are based on feelings.
“If you ever want to come up to me and say ‘Cameron, this is a fact,’ my very first inclination to you is going to be ‘I will totally entertain that you feel that’s a fact—what is your supporting anything to assert that?’ ‘Oh, well, I feel it deep down inside my heart.’ ‘OK, (laughs), I respect your right and ability to feel what you want to feel in your heart is true, that does not mean I’m going to concur with you. But I can respect how you feel.’”
Aaron Breitbart, a senior researcher with the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization in Los Angeles, said that the Holocaust is “the most documented crime in history.”
“The people on trial at Nuremberg answered that they were just following orders. They never said it never happened because it obviously did,” said Breitbart. “It’s not scholarship, it’s really pseudo scholarship. Essentially, what they’re saying is that Jews and their supporters are liars.”

Weaver won the position of Los Rios Student Trustee in April’s election on eServices.
The Los Rios Student Trustee is elected by the students of the district and serves a term of one year. Weaver sits on the Los Rios Board of Trustees but does not cast a binding vote.
The Student Trustee is paid 75 percent of the elected Board of Trustees compensation, according to the 2015-2016 Student Trustee Handbook.
According to state records, Weaver’s predecessor Omba Kipuke received $4,907 in regular pay for the first five months of his year-long service during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Kipuke also received $7,481 in total benefits, including health, medical and dental insurance from the district.
ASB Sen. Laurie Jones, who ran against Weaver in April’s election, said she had never heard him discuss conspiracy theories in her presence, but firmly disagrees with his stance.
“As far as I know there wasn’t a lot of photoshopping in the 40s,” said Jones. “It’s not something I’m skeptical about.”
Tamara Dunning, who acted as ASB Student Senate president last year, worked closely with Weaver on the board. Dunning said she was “shocked” when she learned of Weaver’s comments.
“He is the trustee on behalf of all the students. It doesn’t matter where you come from, what you did, what gender you are or identify as,” said Dunning. “That’s leadership. He’s supposed to represent the students and not conspiracy theories.”
When asked about the shooting that left one dead and two injured at Sacramento City College on Sept. 3, Weaver said that antidepressants play a role in high-profile shootings — something he alleges the Food and Drug Administration may be covering up.
“All the school shootings that have been nationally reported, every single shooter has a very interesting thing in common. They’re all taking antidepressant medication. What kind of antidepressant medication were they taking? Oh, Prozac,” said Weaver. “If I was to tell you that I think there’s a stake from the FDA and the people that support the FDA, who get financial kickbacks from being supporters of the FDA, to not let that conversation happen, somebody might consider me to be a truther or a conspiracy theorist.
“I’ve never, ever heard on TV in a national conversation anything about antidepressants in this … I would love to be on the Senate floor and say ‘Hey, we’re talking about guns all day and night. What about this? How come nobody’s discussing this?’”
He’s supposed to represent the students and not conspiracy theories. –Tamara Dunning, former ASB Student Senate president
Weaver, who is majoring in political science and has high political aspirations, said that he was motivated to go into public service following Sept. 11, expressing doubt that the 9/11 Commission Report included all the facts.
“As the months and the years progress, you get a little bit older, you get a little bit more able to think for yourself and I just look back and you go over what has transpired since 9/11, the facts or the data that’s publicly available since 9/11, and I’m disgusted,” Weaver said. “I’m disgusted that there’s been so many things given to the public that omit the key things that really detail what the 9/11 Commission didn’t go over when they did their report.”
Weaver said he personally believes that Saudi Arabia was involved in the planning and execution of 9/11.
“It’s come to my understanding that there was a lot of background involvement to some degree in 9/11 with the least likely suspect a normal American may think: Saudi Arabia. And—and this is kind of why I want to get into politics—you read documents that pinpoint Saudi Arabia,” Weaver said.
Weaver also critiqued those who emphasize the safety of childhood vaccinations.
“I won’t come out and say ‘Hey, all vaccines are bad, let’s get rid of them immediately.’ That’s jumping the gun. We don’t have all the meat on the table,” said Weaver. “But still, looking at these side points, well dude, why aren’t we talking about this? Why is there such a perceived negative connotation if somebody looks at these and says ‘Hey. This looks a little—’ ‘No, you’re a conspiracy theorist!’ (imitates whine) You see what I’m sayin’?”
Weaver said the title of “conspiracy theorist” is one he wears proudly.
“If anybody would consider me a ‘conspiracy theorist’ because I entertain looking at the outside aspects of things that affect our country, that’s a title I wear proudly,” said Weaver. “I have no shame in that.”
Breitbart said that casting doubt on the historicity of the Holocaust was “insulting.”
“When you trivialize the suffering of others, it’s like killing the victim a second time,” he said.
Marc C. Daniele • Oct 19, 2015 at 3:14 pm
It is nice to know that at least one of our young is starting to question the brainwashing he is receiving!
I was specifically taught in “school” (70’s) that 4 million “jews” were gassed in Auschwitz alone, yet when I did some actual research many years later, I learned that the Official Total has been reduced to “around one million”. “6 million” minus at least 2.5 million still equals “6 million”? Is this a sample of the “Common Core” education our kids are receiving?
During my research I also learned that according to “Officials” such as the famed “Nazi Hunter”, Simon Wiesenthal himself, there were no “Death Camps” outside of Poland itself, and that NONE of these “Work Camps” were subject to investigations by the West for decades. When they finally were investigated during the Ernst Zundel Trial/s in Canada (80’s), American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter (a “holocaust” believer) was sent to check the viability of these alleged “gas chambers” at the alleged “Death Camps”, Auschwitz, etc., and found that they could not sustain gassings, and that there was no significant traces of the Zykon B (a disinfectant) that was said to be used for this purpose. Later the Krakow Inst., who had questioned Leuchter’s findings, did their own study and came up with the same results!
There is much more to all of this though. My only hope is that some of you will actually look into this further, and learn how we have been lied to concerning this alleged “historical event”!
One GREAT source is the site “holocaust deprogramming course” (google it) You will be amazed at how well the “holocaust” has been debunked with real facts/evidence!
As stated by another commenter here, one would think that “jews” would be glad to learn that “6 million” of their fellow “tribe members” had not perished in the “holocaust”(TM). The fact they are not should tell you all something in and of itself!
By the way, Why should US Taxpayers (via Federal and State) be paying “holocaust survivors” when we have literally tens of thousands of US Military Veterans living on our streets, and our infrastructure falls apart?
Let’s not forget that “jews” also claimed that the Romans killed 40 million of them. Or was that just 14 million, with all these “jewish” HOAXES going on, I forget at times!
US Army Vet,
Marc C. Daniele
David Martin • Oct 3, 2015 at 10:44 am
The Case for Free Inquiry
You say they gassed six million Jews.
I ask you how you know.
You say it’s from historians;
They agree that it is so.
But what about the Forrestal death?
They agree on that one, too.
And until I checked it for myself,
I only thought I knew.
DC Dave
TotallyObvious • Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 am
The Holocaust is a tool to traumatize Americans and make them incapable of criticizing Jewish political power. They freak out if anyone expresses any little doubt, because the whole thing comes unraveled if you start applying critical thought to the issue. They don’t have a leg to stand on, they can only use force to shut down dissent.
Sven Lindstrom • Oct 2, 2015 at 12:25 am
Och how terrible, somebody who does not believe in the same things that you expect him to do is getting democratically elected. How about running against him and assuring that you believe in everything you havde been told to believe in? You might even win. Don´t tell anyone about freedom or democracy if you don´t allow the rest of us the freedom of questioning official truths and then be elected. What this and that Center thinks are their business – Barbara Harvey obviously thinks that I am obliged to think what they think. Up hers.
Gina Brown • Sep 29, 2015 at 12:01 pm
In reading some of these comments…..we don’t have to worry about other countries disturbing our peace and freedoms. Our current and future generations are in trouble if the extreme comments on this newsfeed are any indication of what educated individuals glean from the internet mixture of fact/fiction/and sickness spewed across the information super highway. Negative extremist live right next door, we go to school with them, work with them…they smile in our faces. It’s sad really.
Morgen • Sep 23, 2015 at 9:18 pm
Oh yes, and don’t forget about the Jiiiwish Rothschilds who now hold the entire world in their banking slavery!! hmm… I wonder why they want Assas and Syria destroyed…. Syria is one out of only 3 countries lieft without a Rothschild bank!!! Put the pieces of the puzzle together!! Hiter was FIGHTING AGAINST the zionist Rothschilds and their banking cartel… and he was also fighting the communists who were all Jiiiwish in Russia! You would think that people would be happy to learn that “6-MILLION” did not get mass-murdered (which btw the official number at Auschwitz has been 1.1 million for many years now, which wipes out almost 3 million from the grand 6 million total!)… but no, this info getting out would DESTROY precious Israel which was only founded because of the Holocaust. Do some real research people!!
Morgen • Sep 23, 2015 at 9:06 pm
The HOLOHOAX IS UNRAVELLING!!! “The lies can’t hide the truth forever.” – AH …..TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION! Research the Balfour Declaration and realize that both the Great World Wars were created by the evil zionists to gain their false god “Chosen Land”… LOOK at how today they are fighting with the USA AND ISIS towards gaining their “Greater-Israel!” WAKE-UP!!!!!! Look how Israel… the true terror-state of mass genocide murders and rapes Palestine! Don’t you think these true warmongers who are now showing their true nature could be capable to *own Hollywood* and control the media flushing out the complete lies of their so called “Holocaust”… even when NO… yes, NO proof of ANY gas chambers exists! The very definition of holocaust is a “burnt-offering” to which supposedly the amount of bodies “burnt” in the NS tiny little ovens was equal to the ENTIRE population of today’s San Francisco… and then NO evidence was EVER found!! Fred Leuchter even discredited the “gas-chambers”! INVESTIGATE your Holocaust revisionist history and judge for yourself!! WAKE-UP…. I dare you!!!
Brad Carps • Sep 23, 2015 at 5:00 am
This is a good piece, I just wish it didn’t have to exist, that the privileged, ignorant, and paranoid would be screened from the election by the process itself. I’m tired of this campus being known for the hate it allows, and the paranoid racism that you see in these comments.
Brad Carps • Sep 22, 2015 at 8:07 pm
When we don’t vet our student government candidates, the right-wing reactionaries take power by default. When the administration didn’t enforce hate speech policies, oppression has a platform. When the candidates get nothing but softball questions during the election interviews, we don’t actually get to know who represents us.
Bob Bacon • Sep 19, 2015 at 2:08 pm
If 6 gorillion jews had really died in a Holocaust(TM), it wouldn’t be a crime, it would be a liberation. There would be none of them left to taint academia, or law, or medicine, in white countries, none of them left to demand wars on their behalf or the “right” to commit endless usury against white people to fund their shitty little country. There would be no more circumcision torture of infants, and no more “hate speech” garbage to navigate in criticizing government policy. There would be no more holycult religion, no more “judeo christianity”, no UN, no EU, no “European Jewish Congress”, no shekels to “Israel” (occupied Palestine).
Bob Bacon • Sep 19, 2015 at 2:04 pm
The holyhoax is unravelling. Why do jews think they are so important to white countries, anyway. Jews aren’t white.
Caden Vande Streek • Sep 19, 2015 at 4:59 am
Holy crap! I can’t believe someone like this was elected to represent us as students! Not only that but this anti-vaccine, 9/11 theorist, holocaust denier gets PAID to be a trustee? Please tell me there is something we can do to either petition or simply remove this whack-job from public office.