The Associated Student Body Joint Budget Committee discussed allocating funds to place blue police phone boxes at areas that had a history of violent crime, for instance, the Arcade Creek Trail, and a bill that will place hand sanitizers in computer labs at their meeting that took place directly before Tuesday’s Senate meeting.
The first bill states that it will not fund more than $30,000 for the blue police boxes. It was the second time that the JBC read the bill.
The board said it is now in the process of obtaining information on how to set up the boxes.
“Whoever is on JBC next year will be addressed to continue this effort,” said LeslieAnne Dameron, the Clubs and Events Board student director of activities.
The second bill stipulates that the JBC will allocate no more than $7,500 for hand sanitizers.
“It’s not the actual initial cost that is so much,” said Tamara Dunning, who is acting as ASB Student Senate President. “It is the refills and keeping those up, and this will be funded for a at least for a year.”
Senator Nancy Lopez said during the meeting that she is highly allergic to hand sanitizers, and that the chemicals in hand sanitizers have the potential to give her allergy attacks.
The bill will be voted upon on Thursday.
In the Senate meeting, there was contention over how much money the Senate should allocate for medals for senators who will be graduating at the end of the semesters.
The original amendment stated that it would not exceed over $500.
“I feel $500 for medallions for the entire board that is graduating sounds good on paper, but if that number is actually two people, I think maybe we should dial that back a bit,” said CAEB president Jeremy Diefenbacher.
Senator David Hylton said that the senate has to order at least 25 medallions.
“I see this as a test run,” said Director of Activities Garrett Kegel. “Let’s try it out, and give these people these medals, and next year in my presidency if this works then we can buy more.”
The board read for a second time a bill that would allocate no more than $400 for decorations to be used at the end of the year banquet.
ASB also had a second reading of a bill that would allocate money to help fund an advocacy presentation that will take place during CAEB’s end of the year banquet on May 15.
The presentation will educate incoming board members, and will include a copy of Robert’s Rules of Orders for each club adviser.