The Associated Student Body Student Senate voted Thursday on a series of resolutions that will be considered at the General Assembly for the Student Senate for California Community Colleges next weekend.
Among the resolutions is one that would make it mandatory for SSCCC members to participate in mandatory a “Yes Means Yes” training, another that would reccomend providing showers for homeless students and a third that would give STEM majors priority registration.
The board voted to support making it mandatory for student senates to take “Yes Means Yes” training.
While the board voted to support the resolution addressed to provide homeless students showers, one issue that the board members took issue with was how it would be implemented.
The board agreed to not support the resolution that would allow STEM majors priority registration.
“It might be a little unfair to give special registration due to your major versus other circumstances, like being disabled, or a veteran,” said Garrett Kegel, director of activities.
“It’s not (specific) because this would apply to every single community college in the state of California,” said Tamara Dunning who is acting as ASB Student Senate president. “Some colleges have different organizations, than say, we do.”
LeslieAnne Dameron, the Clubs and Events Board director of activities, will be a delegate for American River College at General Assembly. Dameron was allowed to participate in the Senate’s proceedings to discuss the resolutions.
An election committee meeting took place after the Senate meeting, which revealed that no election violations were reported.
“It took us only three years,” said Clubs and Events Board President Jeremy Diefenbacher, who serves on the election committee.
Last year, the winner of the Spring 2014 election for ASB Student Senate president, Jorge Riley, was invalidated for reasons the administration and the ASB have not disclosed.
ASB held a special election that took place at the beginning of fall semester, in which Dunning won against Riley by one vote.
Dean of Student Development Manuel Perez said that American River College had the highest voter turnout of any college in the Los Rios district.