Sen. David Hylton accused Sen. Garrett Kegel of having ulterior motives Tuesday for proposing the bill that enforces term limits on Associated Student Body Student Senate members.
Sen. David Hylton motioned for the term limits to be reconsidered at this week’s board meeting.
According to Robert’s Rules of Order, a person who voted for the bill must be the one to motion for reconsideration, said Dean of Student Development Manuel Perez.
“(Robert’s Rules of Order) are created for the purpose for allowing public notice for a potential decision to being made, and if we feel there is a mistake being made, then it comes from the prevailing side,” Perez said.
Hylton said that he is suspicious that the person who wrote the bill for the term limits is now running for ASB Student Senate president.
“The reason why I think he’s trying to do is because David Hylton does want to run as Student Senate president, and the term limits are actually in his way,” said Kegel.
Kegel said one of the reasons why he wants to pass term limits is to prevent Jorge Riley from running again for the position.
Riley was elected ASB Student Senate president in last spring’s election over opponent Tamara Dunning by a margin of 62 votes, but his election was invalidated for reasons the administration and the ASB have not disclosed.
“We had candidates that committed campaign violations last election,” said Kegel. “To be honest anyone who commits an election violation is probably someone who shouldn’t be running in the first place.”
Senate is in discussions to help fund an event run by the Association of Veterans that will be held on April 17.
Some of the issues that the event will highlight are student veterans issues, students who lost registration priority, veterans mental health and veterans having to pay non-residential fees.
“The idea is that not only the veterans could participate, but it’s also open to homeless veterans too, who at the end of it can actually file claims, we can give them services, and medical,” said Laprea Drake, the president of Association of Veterans.
Added Drake: “We can give them not just help with the means of the school, but long term help.”
The bill will be voted on at the next board meeting.
Students who attend will be given a dog tag with ASB’s information on the back.
Brad C. • Mar 19, 2015 at 7:27 pm
While a loss of institutional knowledge argument could be made against term limits for the state and national senate, I think term limits are very appropriate for ARC. Good candidates would be forced to take the next step and poor candidates would be limited to the amount of damage they do.