The president of the ASB Clubs and Events Board drew criticism for using a slur for transgender individuals during a board meeting.
“Shoot our trannies,” said Jeremy Diefenbacher in what Dean of Student Development Manuel Perez says was a sarcastic joke.
Diefenbacher made the comments after a CAEB representative for Fierce, the LGBTA club on campus, mentioned that the following Thursday was the Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to remember transgender people who have been killed because of their gender identity.
Robin Laine Young, a transgender student at American River College, says she would prefer more sensitive language.
“I’d urge (Diefenbacher) to reconsider his wording next time,” said Young. “Should it come to light that he is bigoted in such an extreme way, then I don’t believe he should hold his office any longer.”
The comment came the Tuesday after Diefenbacher was sent home early from the General Assembly for California Community College Student Senates in Los Angeles for an incident “regarding substances,” according to Cameron Weaver, senate director of public relations.
At General Assembly, the members of the ARC delegation who were not sent home early voted in favor of a measure that would come out against Proposition 13, a California property tax freeze from 1978, which Director of Legislative Affairs Kenneth Hinton said stifles funding for education.
They voted against measure that would have localized the March in March and another that would advocate for proportional representation in the state legislature.
“I had a wonderful time down at the General Assembly representing our students and networking with other members of the California Community College system of 112 colleges to start discussion that would effect (sic) our students statewide,” said Hinton in an email to the Current.
The Student Senate approved a $500 donation to the American River Review, up to $16,000 for a back-to-school packet containing senate contact information, and a $750 purchase of scantrons, blue books and pencils for a finals week giveaway.
The back-to-school packet is planned to contain contact information for student and local government representatives, as well as a school map and possibly a USB drive. They are planed to be placed on tables around the school.
Tamara Dunning, who is acting as ASB student senate president, said that demanding that amount of student money makes sense considering that the folders will be handed out for free.
“We have students that we are going to be providing something free to,” she said. “The idea here is to reach as many students as possible.”