Registering for classes is necessary to attend school. The more classes a student can attain, the bigger the reward both academically, and in some cases, financially. The process varies for everyone however, leaving students either satisfied or with a great sense of frustration.
Like most colleges, ARC has different levels of priority registration. Athletes are arguably the most privileged on campus. Justin Yip, a freshman football line backer, is a clear example of that.
Yip, 18, enjoys playing his favorite sport at a college level but he is also pleased to receive advantages that regular students do not obtain.
“Registering for me is extremely easy,” said Yip. “ I get all the classes I need before anybody else because I am an athlete.”
Yip is also prioritized when it comes to counseling questions or any other concerns.
“We have special counselors,” said Yip. “ They send you constant reminders and give you date for when to come in and pretty much tell you which classes to take.”
Students with second priority registration are those who have been at the school for at least one or more semesters.
Freshman Ivette De La Torre, 18, is not as in a big disadvantage as others but is frustrated at having to do everything without the help of anyone.
“As a regular student, you really have to stay on top of your game to register for classes,” said De La Torre. “Figuring out what to take and making sure you are on the right track is stressful.”
Unlike Yip, De La Torre, is forced to make appointments with counselors, which can take weeks or up to a month to be able to be granted.
“It’s definitely annoying to have to wait for counselor appointments,” said De La Torre. “ I always need help making sure I’m taking the right classes and waiting for that does not help.”
Registration is still going on for spring semester 2014. If you have any questions, go into the counseling office or log on to your eServices account to get started.