The Associated Student Body Student Senate meeting this week included changes to the special election dates, the appointment of three Senators and many committee appointments from the board and members of the public.
During the first part of the meeting, several bills were given a first reading, including some for allocating money for ASB to use at the bookstore, and for supporting veterans on campus. None were discussed during today’s meeting.
Next, the appointed Senators were called to stand in front of the board and public, and given up to two minutes to talk a little about their experiences and reasons for wanting to be on the board. The ASB voted after a short Q-and-A session.
Ross Rayala was the first Senator to be appointed in today’s meeting. He shared his past experiences of lobbying at the capitol, and after unanimously being accepted, took his place on the board as director of legislative affairs.
Senator Chase Buick said he believes that he is a “good representative for the student voice,” and described himself as task oriented “doer.” He was also accepted unanimously.
Leslie Ann Dameron, a legal assisting student, was the last Senatorial appointment. She said she would really like “to work with people on all sorts of issues wherever they need help, wherever they need support.” After being approved by all board members, she took her seat as Senator. That concluded appointments for Senators for this meeting.
Special elections were discussed and because applications were not available to the public on the previously scheduled day, some dates were changed.
The new schedule for the special elections is as follows:
Petition week
Candidate workshops
Election packets due
Candidate notifications
Campaign week
Student forums
Informal election results announced
Elected officers sworn in

Oct. 17 – Oct. 31
Oct. 24
Oct. 31 (by 5pm)
Nov. 1
Nov. 4 – Nov. 13
Nov. 6 – Nov. 7
Nov. 12 – Nov. 13
Nov. 13
Nov. 21

Senator Sam Elliott, who chairs the special elections committee, shared with the public that he is looking for volunteers to help out. ASB is looking to make changes for this year’s special elections, such as making the polling more accessible for DSPS students.
Absent today was Clubs and Events Board President Jeremy Diefenbacher.