Updated on 10/18/13 at 3:43 p.m. to correct times that the full audio will be available to the public.
By Jeff Gonzales, Alisha Kirby and Jonathan H. Ellyson
The interview The Current conducted with Geoffrey Stockdale is available here.
Letter from the Co-editors-in-chief,
In a recent article printed in The Sacramento Bee, professor Geoffrey Stockdale accused The Current of not correctly handling our story about an impromptu wrestling demonstration in his class that went too far.
The full Stockdale quote that The Bee printed was:
“‘They inflated it and sensationalized it,’ the longtime communications professor said in an interview. ‘If it bleeds, it leads.’”
The Current stands behind its coverage and the reporting that was behind the story. We leave it up to you, the reader, to judge if we sensationalized it. Above we have a link to, and below an embed of, an edited version of our interview with Stockdale.
Judge if a situation that “needed stitches” is the same as a stubbed toe.
When listing to the recording, note the sensational statements The Current chose not to use.
As our writer says below, we will have a full version available in The Current newsroom to listen to. The information on how to do this is also listed below.
Thank you,
Jeff Gonzales and Alisha Kirby
Co Editors-in-Chief
The content of the interview has been edited in order to protect the personal information of the former student involved. Portions were also removed to protect students who approached the interview and did not consent to being on record.
The Current invites anyone who would like to hear the full unedited interview to come to the newsroom, located in Liberal Arts 120 any business day next week between 10a.m. and 1p.m. or by appointment going forward.
Appointments can be made by calling The Current at (916) 484-8304 or by email at current@arc.losrios.edu