The Associated Student Body briskly moved through the agenda for the Thursday, Nov. 8 meeting. With minimal discussion, the pace allowed for a productive meeting where all agenda items were covered, marking a first for the semester.
As the representatives of ASB Senate get used to the processes and procedures that are required in the meetings, senators seem to have more time to get things done. The backlog of old business that seemed to always be pushed back due to time was cleared. This, along with recently ratified bylaws and a new constitution, demonstrates the determination of the American River College ASB.
With all the seats at the senate meeting table full, each meeting has more and more representatives signing up for the various committees that are authorized through the Student Senate Bylaws and Constitution.
One such committee is the Sustainability Committee. With interest in making American River College a more self-sustaining place, representatives on this committee have been looking into more efficient ways the campus could recycle as well as conducting a smoking survey with the students of ARC.
“We’re finally making it happen on campus,” said ASB Senator Brandon January. As a member of the sustainability committee, January has had the opportunity to visit other college campuses around the northern California. “I went to Riverside, which is a smoke free campus. It was nice to see the difference. It was a lot cleaner and the air was fresher.”
Another committee that could have an impact to all students is the Textbook Affordability Committee, known as TAC. The TAC had their first meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14. This informal meeting addressed what the TAC can accomplish and what goals they have to help students.
With many goals in mind for the campus and still feeling the effects of the ARC senate’s version of a fiscal crisis, the ASB Senate was able to discuss some much needed expenditure. These included everything from $6,000 for the March in March to spending $74.45 to purchase a new gavel for meetings.
The ASB was also present on Club Day on Thursday, Nov. 15, participating in the activities of the day and showing their support for the various clubs of ARC. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 29 from 10:30 a.m. until noon in room 611 in the portable village.