The American River College theatre will showcase “The Beaux Stratagem” April 21 through 29; it is originally produced by George Farquhar in England in 1707.
The play is a comedy that tells the story of two characters that journey across the English countryside.
Pamela Downs, the director of “Beaux Stratagem” will be directing the play.
Downs said the play would stretch the skills young actors need to perform.
“It is a difficult play because it has young actors doing skills they wouldn’t do,” Downs said. The skills that Downs refers to is learning a different dialect.
“They are learning elevated language from high British, low British, cockney, French, and Irish,” added Downs.
Downs said the play is a restoration comedy, which is a comedy written during the Restoration period of 1660 to 1710.
Kimberlee Wilson, an actress in the show, said that she was excited to play a villain.
Wilson plays as Ms. Boniface, a landlord at an inn who meets the protagonists Aimwell and Archer.
“I thought it be really fun to play a horrible person,” Wilson said. “My character is the villain of the play, I’m a landlord and thief.”
Showtimes for the Friday and Saturday hours: 8 p.m. for April 21, 22, 28, and 29.
Sundays: 2 p.m. April 23 and 30.
Thursday: 6:30 p.m. on April 27.
Ticket prices are $12 for general admission, $10 for students, seniors, and Los Rios staff.