In the words of the always eloquent Alice Cooper, “School’s out for summer.” Though, for most of us, it isn’t yet “out forever,” nor has it “been blown to pieces.” What Cooper doesn’t discuss in his summer anthem “School’s Out” is what to do once that final bell rings (or that last final ends and we turn in our blue books and scantrons). Here are a few suggestions:
Concerts in the Park:
If you have a bad week; if Monday’s blue, Tuesday’s gray, and Wednesday, too, then Friday Night Concerts in the Park will give you something to fall in love with. Every Friday, from 5-9 p.m., hometown favorites, including Middle Class Rut, James Cavern, and ZugH, play a free show in Cesar Chavez Plaza. This happens every Friday night between May 3 and July 26, so there are plenty of opportunities to make it out to a few performances, all for the cost of absolutely free.
Warped Tour:
You probably haven’t been to Warped Tour since you were a sophomore in high school, but you’re never too old to go. The guys in Blink-182 were in their early to mid-twenties when they sang about “summer and the Warped Tour.” If you can make it out to Shoreline Amphitheater by 11 a.m. on June 22, and have about 40 dollars to spend, it may be worth a trip.
Although listening to the Beastie Boys while chilling at White Castle or Fat Burger has lost its charm, I recommend checking out the Sacramento Mobile Food website ( for details on when the next food truck gathering will be near you. Every few days, dozens of food trucks will gather in a predetermined location in Sacramento to serve up their best to droves of hungry people.
Second Saturdays:
[Saturday: where open doors are open-ended]. In Downtown Sacramento, the doors to bars, restaurants, and galleries stay open late every second Saturday of each month. People walk the grid while listening to live music and view some of the best local art. Second Saturdays are always better in the summer, and with new restaurants opening for business what seems like every week, there should be no shortage of places to visit.
Pajama Game:
We all know how Macklemore feels about his [“flannel zebra jammies.”] You know, the ones with the “built-in onesie with the socks?” Well, if he knew about the ARC summer theatre production of “Pajama Game,” he’d surely have a new favorite set of pj’s. The play touches on a problematic workplace romance in a humorous way, so if you want to get a good laugh and support the ARC theatre department, attend one of the performances running from June 21 through July 21.